Employing CSS selectors to target the subsequent element that is accessible

Here is the structure of my HTML:

<input type = "checkbox" style = "display:none" id = "select">
<label for = "select" id = 'click'>
<div class = 'next'>    

I am trying to style the 'next' div when the checkbox is checked using CSS selectors.

I attempted this approach but it did not work as expected:

#click:checked + .next{

Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this styling?

Answer №1

#select:checked ~ .next {
    color: navy;

The value of checked is obtained from the input element with the id "select," not from the click element.

Answer №2

Give it a shot:

.checkbox:checked ~ .next-item {

See Demo Here

The div does not immediately follow the checkbox, so using the ~ sibling selector resolves this issue. Additionally, remember to apply the :checked selector to the input itself, not its label.

Learn more about the + adjacent selector

The adjacent selector only selects elements that come right after the specified element.

Discover more about the ~ general sibling selector

The ~ combinator matches the second element if it follows the first and they share a common parent.

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