Emphasize the designated drop zone in Dragula

Incorporating the Dragula package into my Angular 2 project has greatly enhanced the drag-and-drop functionality. Bundling this feature has been a seamless experience.

Visit the ng2-dragula GitHub page for more information.

Although the drag-and-drop functionality works well, I am interested in finding a way to highlight the target container to indicate where the drop will occur. While JavaScript supports this feature, I have not yet discovered how to implement it in Dragula.

Answer №1

Completing this task was surprisingly easy for me :)

All I had to do was utilize the provided over and out events. I customized the design using my own CSS class called "possibleTargetContainer".

dragulaService.over.subscribe((value) => { this.onOver(value.slice(1)); });
dragulaService.out.subscribe((value) => { this.onOut(value.slice(1)); });

private onOver(args) {
    let [el, target, source] = args;

private onOut(args) {
    let [el, target, source] = args;

I have to give credit once again to Dragula for being such a user-friendly and efficient library!

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