I am looking for a jQuery UI calendar that has an inline date range selector and the ability to highlight or disable specific dates.
You can find my code example here
Currently, I have a range selector set up, but all dates appear normal. What I need is to be able to color the current date (e.g., 16/03/2018) in red and all other dates in green.
In a standard jQuery calendar without the range selector feature:
beforeShowDay: function (date) {
var ddmmyy = $.datepicker.formatDate('dd/mm/yy', date)
if ($.inArray(ddmmyy, dates) >= 0) return [false, 'gior-occ', " "];
return [true];
However, as you can see in my jsfiddle, I already have a beforeShowDay
option selected.
Any suggestions on how to achieve the desired coloring?