Embedding a stylesheet into an HTML document can be done automatically

Currently, I am working on creating standalone error pages (404/503) as individual HTML files. My server-side setup involves Node.js, but these specific files will be hosted directly in Nginx. One of the challenges I am facing is automatically including a stylesheet at the top of an HTML document. I have been exploring options for tools that can assist with this task, yet my searches on platforms like Stack Overflow and Google primarily provide solutions for inline CSS used in emails, which is not what I require.

To provide context, let's consider the following example:


.body { color: black }


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A Question</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="before.css">
    <p>Here be the answer</p>

Upon completing the process, I envision the file structure to transform into:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A Question</title>
    <style>.body { color: black }</style>
    <p>Here be the answer</p>

Ideally, I am seeking a solution that involves a Gulp plugin or suggestions on how to develop one. If necessary, I am willing to explore JavaScript implementations. It's worth noting that I already use EJS and Stylus to generate the original "before" files.

Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

There are various ways to approach the issue you're facing, as it involves solving a complex problem with potentially simple workarounds. However, if you're determined to proceed, here are some suggested methods:

Implementation of Server-side Templates:

An efficient and neat technique for embedding a stylesheet into HTML is by utilizing a server-side scripting language, as pointed out by @Mr_Green. There are several options available, but considering your use of Node.js, EJS or Jade would be ideal choices. Alternatively, you could opt for PHP, Ruby, Python, or any other suitable language with similar functionality:

  1. To start, extract the contents from the stylesheet and store them in a variable. In Node.js, utilize fs.readFile() to easily access the .css file.
  2. Next, insert the contents of the .css file (stored in a variable) directly into your HTML. For example, using EJS, if the CSS file content is stored in a variable called styleFile, you can use
    <style><%= styleFile %></style>
    to incorporate the stylesheet content within your HTML <style> tag.

Adopting Ajax with JavaScript:

Another viable solution involves employing Ajax to retrieve the stylesheet contents and utilizing JavaScript to insert them into the <style> tag seamlessly. With jQuery, this process can be simplified by implementing:

$("style").html(// stylesheet contents var);

If applicable, you may also consider utilizing Haml to address your requirements.

Trust these suggestions provide clarity on resolving your query.

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