Embed JavaScript code in the head section of the webpage to guarantee its presence even following a page refresh

We recently obtained an innovative Enterprise Talent Management Solution that is cloud-based. One standout feature allows users to incorporate HTML Widgets with scripts on the primary Welcome Page.

The customization options for the Welcome Page UI are quite extensive, but once you navigate away from this page, it becomes inaccessible.

In a basic test, we successfully added a jQuery script to one HTML Widget to modify the URL of specific clickable elements on the screen, yielding excellent results. We aim to use this approach to enhance the UI by concealing unnecessary components or applying unique styles to improve aesthetics, as well as adding new fields solely for display purposes.

HTML Widgets can only be placed on the Welcome Page; when navigating to another section like "My Training Record," the script within the HTML Widget ceases to function - which is expected.

I am aware that injecting JavaScript into the Head Element is feasible, but my concern lies in whether the script would disappear after a refresh.

Question: Is there a way to inject JavaScript into the Head Element so that it remains persistent even after a page refresh and continues to function correctly?

I am contemplating a solution that could automatically reinject itself post-page refresh. Is such a scenario viable?

Answer №1

Let me take a wild guess... Are you hoping to embed JQuery into a website once and have it remain there indefinitely?

Unfortunately, achieving this in a legitimate manner is not possible.

If you had an API that allowed for file manipulation, then yes, it could be done. However, I can't think of any way to inject JavaScript using JavaScript itself and have it persist. ;D

Alternatively, if the HTML content is being generated from a database, you could potentially inject code directly into the database. Another unethical method would be... installing a TROJAN... but that is completely illegal!

Answer №2

We reached out to the company and requested them to include a script tag for referencing our custom JavaScript, packaged in SCORM Format as part of a training course material. After uploading it to the portal web space using Course Publisher, we were able to access the JS file from the main page source.

The company agreed to add the script reference, allowing us to load all necessary scripts and CSS dynamically with each page refresh. This new capability has empowered us to personalize the portal through client script and CSS styling.

By leveraging jQuery Plugins, we successfully integrated support for a Hijri Calendar with Date Picker and Calendar Controls. This enabled seamless conversion between Gregorian Date Fields and the newly added Hijri Date Field for both display and data entry purposes.

To delve deeper into this topic, feel free to watch the following videos:

Part 1 and Part 2.

Answer №3

If I understand correctly, it sounds like you may be interested in solutions similar to these. It's important to consider if you have the capability to incorporate tracking cookies or add something to every page. If so, utilizing systems like CMS could be beneficial.

Ultimately, the key is to find a method that can be executed on each page to embed the code. This could involve a DB/CMS, tracking code, template code, common js, or a comparable approach.

Here are two external suggestions that require script implementation:

Optimizely for A/B testing

Alternatively, there is a more cost-effective option with

Google Tag Manager

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