Embed an external website within a div element

Is there a way to embed an entire external website onto another site, without scroll bars or borders?

I attempted this method but the entire page did not load, and there were still scroll bars and borders present.

<iframe src="http://www.externaldomain.com"  name="iframeName" ></iframe>


UPDATE: What does the "seamless" attribute do? http://www.w3schools.com/html5/tag_iframe.asp

Answer №1

To achieve a seamless integration, first eliminate the borders through CSS before dynamically adjusting the iFrame to cover your whole client website with the help of JavaScript. By doing this stealthily, it will go unnoticed by users.

However, in some cases, the hosting site may be savvy enough to prevent this by inspecting the window.top compared to the window.self element.

Answer №2

As mentioned by @Milad, one way to ensure the IFRAME fills the browser window is by setting its dimensions accordingly.

<iframe id="my-iframe" src="mypage.php" border="0" frameborder="0" scrolling></iframe>

For those who prefer using jQuery, here's an example:

$('#my-iframe').css('height', $(window).height());

To prevent any unwanted spaces, remember to reset the page margins and paddings with CSS:

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }

If your page contains other elements such as a heading bar, be cautious and adjust the window height accordingly to accommodate these elements.

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