Eliminate the dimming background on a discussion thread in Discourse

Working on customizing a theme for my blog using the Discourse engine has been quite interesting. I have noticed that every post, or "topic," loads with a blue background that quickly transitions to the main background color. You can take a look at an example here.

I was informed that this issue is caused by this CSS. In an attempt to fix it, I added the following code to my custom CSS field:

.topic-body .cooked.highlighted {
    animation: none;

However, it seems like my solution did not work. Can anyone point out what mistakes I may have made?

Answer №1

  1. Start by logging in as the administrator and navigating to the settings page
  2. Next, select customize and then choose your desired theme
  3. Locate the option labeled Edit CSS/HTML and click on it
  4. Within the CSS section, insert the following code snippet

Answer №2

Consider removing this section

 &.highlighted {
    animation: fade-in-background 2.5s ease-out;

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