I've encountered an issue with my CSS coding and I'm in need of some help. In a nutshell, I have a div for an image that I also want to use for sliding banners. However, I noticed that there's extra padding below the image within the div when I set the height to auto (I want a responsive layout). No matter how much I try to set the padding to 0, it just won't work. Here's a link to see the image: , or you can check out the site I'm working on here: (site is still in progress).
The CSS code I currently have for the div is:
#contentContainer .slides {width:1140px; height:auto float:left; background:#666;}
#contentContainer .slides img {width:100%; padding:0; margin:0; border:0;}
@media screen and (max-width: 850px)
#contentContainer .slides {width:100%;}
When I set the height to a specific value, the layout looks perfect. But as soon as I switch back to setting the height as auto, the issue arises, as depicted in the attachment. Any solutions on how I can resolve this? Thank you!