Eliminate any undefined data in the popup map of Javascript

I am working with JSON data that is being displayed in a pop-up on a map. In cases where there is missing data (Visibility), the word undefined appears in the pop-up.

Is there a way to remove the undefined text so that it does not show up in the pop-up?

This is the JSON data:

"temperature": "24.4",
"Humidity": "90",
"Wind": "100"}]

This is the JavaScript code:

for (i = 0; i < dataJSON.length; i++) {
    var weather = parseInt(dataJSON[i].weather)
    var Coordinate = new L.latLng(([dataJSON[i].lat, dataJSON[i].lng]))
    var marker = L.marker(Coordinate, { icon: customIcon })
    marker.bindPopup('Date : ' + dataJSON[i].date + 'Temperature : ' + dataJSON[i].temperature + 'RH :' + dataJSON[i].Humidity
        + 'wind :' + dataJSON[i].Wind + 'Visibility :' + dataJSON[i].Vis

This is how the pop-up looks like:


I would appreciate any help or suggestions. Thank you!

Answer №1

The reason you are seeing 'undefined' in the Visibility field is because the 'Vis' property is not present in the JSON data.

To fix this issue and display a blank instead of 'undefined', you can add the following code to your script.js file:

for (i = 0; i < dataJSON.length; i++) {
var weather = parseInt(dataJSON[i].weather)
var Coordinate = new L.latLng(([dataJSON[i].lat, dataJSON[i].lng]))
var marker = L.marker(Coordinate, { icon: customIcon })
marker.bindPopup('Date : ' + dataJSON[i].date + 'Temperature : ' + dataJSON[i].temperature + 'RH :' + dataJSON[i].Humidity
    + 'wind :' + dataJSON[i].Wind + (dataJSON[i].Vis == undefined?'':'Visibility :' + dataJSON[i].Vis)

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