Edit script: Iterate through the different div elements at regular intervals AND pick a specific div by pressing a button

Check out this interesting discussion about displaying and hiding divs at specific time intervals using jQuery on the page here.

The script mentioned is designed to loop through DIVs, showing one after the other while hiding the rest. It's titled "Loop through divs every 10 seconds."

Although this script functions well, there is a need to select a specific DIV by clicking on a designated button as well.

Within the context of three DIVs labeled 1-2-3 (with the active one in red), the Loop Script alternates between them correctly. However, when clicking on 2, DIV Nr. 2 should become the active one (then continue with 3 - 1 - 2...).

To simplify: How can I indicate to the script to set "counter = 3" upon clicking button 3?

For more insight and examples, visit these links: timer-based script and click-triggered version.

If you can explain it to someone who is not very familiar with JavaScript (like me!), that would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

"Essentially, how can I specify that the script sets "counter = 3" when button 3 is clicked?" -- I'm assuming you are referring to the script mentioned in this source

If you have a button like this (for example):

<input type="button" id="button-3" value="Click me">

The JavaScript code for handling the click event would be as follows:

$("#button-3").click(function() {
    counter = 3;

This click handler needs to be within the same scope as the counter variable to function correctly (in the case of the linked script, it can be placed right after the declaration of var counter = 0;);

Additional Note: To ensure that the div switching occurs at the desired time intervals, you should implement intervalId management.


<a href="#" class="button" rel="1"><img width="11" height="10" alt="video 1" src="orange.gif"></a>
<a href="#" class="button" rel="2"><img width="11" height="10" alt="video 1" src="grau.gif"></a>
<a href="#" class="button" rel="3"><img width="11" height="10" alt="video 1" src="grau.gif"></a>


$(".button").click(function() {
    counter = parseInt(this.rel);
    showDiv(); // display next div
    setIntervalSwitch(); // reset the interval for the next "switch" after X seconds

var intervalId;
var setIntervalSwitch = function() {
    clearInterval(intervalId); // clear previous interval
    // start new interval
    intervalId = setInterval(function () {
         showDiv(); // display next div
    }, 5 * 1000);
// call setIntervalSwitch to initialize interval before someone manually clicks on any div

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