Dynamic Website (Link Relationships / Responsive Design / Content Rendering with CSS and HTML)

Hello everyone! My name is Mauro Cordeiro, and I come from Brazil. I am just diving into the world of coding and have been following various tutorials. Stack Overflow has been an invaluable resource for me in my learning journey!

Aside from coding, I am also a musician and character animator. Currently, I am working on finalizing my band's official website called LeatherJacks. However, delving into the world of coding has sparked a newfound passion in me!

One question that I have pertains to media queries and loading content on responsive websites.

While building my responsive website, I have included several "Link Rel" codes in the HTML for different resolutions. However, when I resize my browser to 816px width, it only loads the CSS style without loading the corresponding HTML file tailored for mobile resolution.

I have tried using a jQuery If/Else conditional with "Location", but unfortunately, it did not yield the desired results.

My goal is to have a page that seamlessly transitions both CSS and HTML elements when resized to 816px or lower.

The other resolutions (1920px, 1368px, and 1000px) work perfectly, thanks to utilizing percentage values!

Thank you all for any assistance you can provide as I aim to complete and publish my page!

Let's rock on!


Answer №1

Consider trying the following example:


<link rel="stylesheet" media='screen and (min-width: 816px) and (max-width: 1000px)' href="04_Responsive_MOBILE.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" media='screen and (min-width: 1001px) and (max-width: 1368x)' href="03_Responsive_1000px.css"/>

Another option is to consolidate all media queries into a single file:



It's highly recommended to maintain folder structure without using spaces.

Avoid using spaces in URLs as they can be altered or removed during transcription, typesetting, or word processing.

Additionally, employing relative paths is advisable:

Relative Paths
(source: Quick Reminder About File Paths)

  • Is the image in the same directory as the referencing file?
  • Is the image in a directory below?
  • Is the image in a directory above?

The use of relative file paths allows navigation in both directions. Refer to this example for a better understanding: https://css-tricks.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/file-path-example1.jpg

Here are some key facts about relative file paths:

  • Starting with "/" returns to the root directory before proceeding
  • Starting with "../" moves one directory backwards before starting
  • Starting with "../../" moves two directories backwards before starting (and so on...)
  • To move forward, begin with the first subdirectory and continue moving ahead

Embedding HTML within another HTML

Using pure Javascript:


<div w3-include-html="content.html"></div>



With jQuery:


<div id="includedContent"></div>



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