Steps to create an image map
If you're looking to create an image map, consider using Gimp as suggested by Badacadabra. Alternatively, you can explore online tools like
To identify each area within the map, assign unique IDs:
<img id="myImage" src="" usemap="#myMap" alt="" />
<map name="myMap" id="myMap">
<area id="node-a" shape="rect" coords="731,159,757,188"/>
<area id="node-b" shape="rect" coords="685,139,713,168"/>
<area id="node-c" shape="rect" coords="597,142,625,171"/>
<!-- ... -->
Making it responsive for all screens
The challenge with image maps lies in their non-responsive nature. To overcome this issue in modern times, consider using a plugin such as Image Map Resizer by David Bradshaw. Simply enable it with this snippet:
Structuring your data effectively
An ideal approach to associating content with each node is by utilizing an Object:
var myData = {
"node-a": {
"title": "This point A",
"image": "image-a.jpg",
"description": "Lorem ipsum A dolor sin amet."
/* Add more nodes and their details here */
Implementing a personalized popup feature
If crafting popups isn't your forte, various plugins offer ready-made solutions. For customization, try creating a simple div element that can be toggled:
<div id="myBubble">
<div id="myBubbleContent"></div>
<div id="myBubbleCloseButton">✕</div>
Add CSS styling and JavaScript functionality to enhance its visual appeal and interactivity:
// Script referencing DOM elements
// Use Array.from() instead of getElementsByTagName('area')
var areas = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('area')),
bubble = document.getElementById('myBubble'),
bubbleContent = document.getElementById('myBubbleContent'),
bubbleClose = document.getElementById('myBubbleCloseButton');
// Trigger popup on area click
areas.forEach(function(area) {
area.addEventListener('click', openBubble, false);
// Close popup on close button click
bubbleClose.addEventListener('click', closeBubble, false);
function openBubble() {
var content = myData[];
bubbleContent.innerHTML = '<h3>' + content.title + '</h3>'
+ '<img src="' + content.image + '" alt="" />'
+ '<p>' + content.description + '</p>';
bubble.classList.add('shown'); // Using classList method
function closeBubble() {
bubble.classList.remove('shown'); // Utilize classList for better handling
Dive into the Demo
Test out the functionalities by expanding the code snippet provided below: