Dynamic scrolling text for overflowing text display

Here's a scenario I'm facing: Let's say I have three div tags, each 100 pixels wide:

<--- DIV WIDTH --->
Text in div 1
Text in div two, it overflows
Text in div three
<--- DIV WIDTH --->

Currently, I've set the following CSS for the divs:


I want the text to scroll like a marquee if it overflows so all the content can be seen after waiting a bit. However, I only want the marquee effect to show when the text actually overflows.

Can anyone advise on how to achieve this?

Thanks, Tony

Answer №1

Addressing the conditional aspect

Javascript Solution

var element = $('your specific element');
if (element.get(0).scrollWidth > el.width()) {
    // Insert your marquee script here

Answer №2

  $container = $('div.container');
    if ($container.width() < $(this).width()) {

This jQuery code should help create a scrolling effect for elements within a container. Feel free to try it out and let me know if you encounter any issues.

Answer №3

Solving the conditional part is a simple task, as suggested by rennat.

If you are able to utilize jQuery, consider structuring your HTML to be compatible with the jQuery marquee plugin. Then, simply execute $(element).marquee(); to activate the animation. This method offers advantages over using the '<marquee>' tag, as it solely relies on div elements with appropriate CSS properties (thus avoiding the usage of non-standard tags).

Answer №4

Unfortunately, this solution may not be suitable for the issue at hand since it involves plain text within a div element. However, if this is just a simplified scenario, you could consider implementing overflow: auto to introduce a horizontal scrollbar in case of overflow.

(It's worth noting that the marquee tag is non-standard in HTML.)

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