Dynamic jQuery snapping effect after scrolling horizontally

I'm currently working on a horizontal-scrolling site that utilizes the mousewheel jQuery Plugin. The scrolling functionality is functional, however, I am looking to implement a feature that snaps each "article" to the left side of the document when scrolling comes to a stop.

Here's the current markup:


#viewport {
overflow: hidden;

#stage {
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;

#stage article {
position: relative;


<div id="viewport">
<section id="stage" class="clearfix">
This block should snap to the left upon scrolling stopping.

This block should snap to the left upon scrolling stopping.

This block should snap to the left upon scrolling stopping.

This block should snap to the left upon scrolling stopping.



$(function() {
$("html, body").mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
this.scrollLeft -= (delta * 30);

After attempting to implement the script provided above, I did not achieve the desired results. It seems that the use of percentages may be hindering the ability to determine the previous/next location.

Thank you for any assistance in advance.

Answer №1

I'm unsure about your reference to the previous or next location.

However, one approach could be to check at the end of each scroll if the left side of the screen aligns with the nearest article. If not, adjust the scroll position slightly.

Perhaps something like this:

$(function() {
    $("html, body").mousewheel(function(event, delta) {

        var theBody = $('body');
        theBody.scrollLeft(this.scollLeft() - delta * 30);

        /* Determine how close you are, number of articles nearby, and direction of the scroll */
        var tolerance = 10;
        var numberOfArticles = 4;
        var signDelta = number?number<0?-1:1:0;

        /* Continuously adjust until within acceptable tolerance range */
        while (!((theBody.scollLeft()%(theBody.width() / numberOfArticles))  > tolerance))
            theBody.scrollLeft(theBody.scollLeft() - signDelta * 1);


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