Dynamic bullseye displayed on a Vis.js network node

I am currently utilizing Vis.js to create network diagrams. I am interested in adding a notification feature where when an AJAX update is received for a specific node, the canvas will move that node to the center (which Vis.js can already do). Following this, I would like to have a bullseye animation over the node to attract the user's attention until they click on it. An example of the kind of animation effect I am seeking can be found at http://codepen.io/MateiGCopot/pen/ogEKRK.

var w = c.width = 400,
h = c.height = 400,
ctx = c.getContext('2d'),

frame = 0;

function anim(){


  for(var i = 0; i < w; ++i){
    ctx.strokeStyle = i%20 === 0 ? 'hsl(hue, 80%, 50%)'.replace('hue',
        (360 / (w/3) * i - frame) % 360
    ) : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .08)';
    ctx.arc(w/2, h/2, (i + frame)%w/2, 0, Math.PI*2);

Would this method be the most effective way to achieve this type of effect? When running it on my machine, there seems to be a spike in CPU usage, indicating that it may not be very efficient.
Additionally, how could I integrate something like this with Vis.js so that it appears over an image node and stops once the node is clicked? The example provided draws circles outward, but I would prefer them to be drawn inwards, although I was unable to determine how to change their direction.

JavaScript is not my strong point, so a detailed explanation would be much appreciated. Also, while I am currently using Vis.js, if there is another library that offers similar functionality (along with comparable features to Vis.js), I am open to switching to it.

Answer №1

As the creator of the visjs network viewer, I want to mention that currently, it is not feasible through the public API. We are actively developing version 4.0 which will provide a feature allowing you to effortlessly embed your custom code in the render loop. If you require this functionality earlier than our estimated release date in April, feel free to create an issue on our GitHub repository, and I can guide you through integrating it into the source code yourself. To streamline support queries, we prefer all discussions to stay on GitHub for better accessibility.

Additionally, as a workaround, you have the option to modify colors or utilize the focus feature to emphasize a node. However, if these options do not meet your requirements, consider placing a div overlay above the node containing a GIF animation with a click event handler. By leveraging the vis API, you can determine the exact position of the targeted node for enhanced interaction.

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