Dynamic animation that creates an underlined hover effect for text-wrapped elements

While exploring the website , I came across a cool underline hover animation for their links. What caught my attention was how they've managed to disable the underline effect when the text inside an <a> tag wraps and spans multiple lines.

I'm curious about how they achieved this feature of disabling the underline hover effect only when the text wraps.

It doesn't appear that there is any inline or additional class being applied, and the CSS rules seem to remain consistent whether the text wraps or not.

Does anyone have any insights into how they pulled off this intriguing technique?

Answer №1

The feedback provided is indeed accurate - the specified website fails to address the scenario where links are displayed without underlines.

Nevertheless, I have discovered a different approach that successfully manages the multiline underline animation. This method involves utilizing a background image for the component and implementing similar techniques.

Here is the link to the alternative solution.

$color-on-light: black;
$underline-width: 2px;

color: $color-on-light;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 0% 100%;
background-position: bottom right;
transition: background-size 0.15s;
padding-bottom: $underline-width;
background-image: linear-gradient(
    transparent calc(100% - #{$underline-width}),
    $color-on-light $underline-width

&.on-dark {
    $color-on-dark: white;

    color: $color-on-dark;
    background-image: linear-gradient(
        transparent calc(100% - #{$underline-width}),
        $color-on-dark $underline-width

&:hover {
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    background-position: bottom left;

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