Double-clicking does not allow you to choose individual tags

We are encountering an issue with the double click behavior in the pandas documentation and pydata-sphinx-theme. I believe a HTML expert could shed some light on what's going wrong. Reference:

On this page, if I double click on "data," it erroneously selects "datastructured."

Examining the website HTML through the inspector, we see:

    <span class="classifier">structured ndarray, sequence of tuples or dicts, or DataFrame</span>

The colon ":" is added via CSS:

.classifier:before {
font-style: normal;
margin: 0 0.5em;
content: ":";
display: inline-block;

Removing the colon reveals that there is no space between the words, causing them to be selected together.

I attempted to replicate this in a code pen, but was unsuccessful:

Would you mind taking a look at the page to help identify what might be causing this strange behavior?

Answer №1

Upon double clicking the first word, both words are selected due to the lack of space between them in the HTML.

To see this for yourself, right-click on the <dt> tag and choose 'Edit as HTML' (in Chrome). You'll notice that the HTML code is all on one line without a space between data and structured. This can also be confirmed by viewing the page source code.

The different formatting in your CodePen reproduction explains why the issue isn't replicated.

To fix this, you can either reformat the HTML like in your CodePen example or insert a space character after or at the end of the <strong> tag.

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