Does jQuery always apply the last duplicate attribute in the attr() function if there are duplicates present?

I am feeling quite perplexed at the moment, as I wonder if giving a duplicate attribute in attr() will only apply the last one. For example:

. In this case, I have repeated the style attribute three times - will only the last one be applied? Is there a way to apply the second style instead?

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <p id="prg1">first paragraph</p>
<script src="C:\Users\SUDARSHAN\Desktop\html_UI\jquery-3.6.0.js">
   $('document').ready(function (){


Answer №1

It seems like your question is a bit unclear, but I will do my best to cover all possible scenarios:

  1. If your code contains duplicate keys in objects like b = { a: 1, a: 2 }, this is considered invalid and should be avoided as it will result in b === { a: 2 }
  2. When using the
    method, only the last value will be applied because the attr function always overwrites the existing value.
  3. To set multiple CSS properties using
    .attr({ style:'color:yellow; font-family:arial; border-style:dotted'});
    , separate each property with a ';' in a single string. This way, you can define the entire css code for the element without needing separate 'style' or 'attr' calls for each property.

In addition to the above explanation, @Phil suggested using the .css() method from jQuery for a more efficient solution:

    color: "yellow", fontFamily: "arial", borderStyle: "dotted"

Remember to use camelCase for properties with hyphens or enclose the entire property name in quotes like "border-style"


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