Do remote resource links remain accessible when there is no connection to the internet?

I have incorporated remote resources such as jQuery and icons by linking them like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script src=""></script>

My concern is whether these resources will still function if there is no internet connection available. This is crucial for my presentation because I will need to open local .html files without guaranteed internet access. I am worried that functions and icons referenced from online libraries might not work in such situations.

Answer №1

If you make sure to visit the page before your internet connection drops, your browser will cache the files for future access. While this method may not be foolproof, it is worth testing out in advance.

Another option is to manually save the webpage using your browser (ctrl/cmd-s). This way, all resources will be downloaded and stored in a folder with the HTML file for offline viewing.

A more reliable approach, as suggested in a comment, would be to download all the necessary resources and host them locally. By saving the source code of each file and linking to them in your document, you can ensure full functionality even without an internet connection.

Answer №2

Maybe and Maybe not, One option is to save the files locally and link them to your projects, while another option is to rely on the browser's cache. When you visit a website that uses external libraries, those libraries are downloaded to your browser's cache so they don't have to be fetched online every time you revisit the site. However, I wouldn't recommend solely relying on the cache in case it gets cleared.

In addition to that, it's possible that an internet connection is required.

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