Do custom Bootstrap 4 variables fail to cascade downwards?

Discovering a strange behavior in the custom.scss file of Bootstrap, I realized that setting a custom color and removing the !default flag doesn't cascade down as expected. For example, updating $blue to #000 without !default in _custom.scss should ideally affect all variables referencing it. However, after testing this out with $brand-primary and $btn-primary-bg in _variables.scss, I found out that each variable needs to be explicitly mentioned in the custom.scss file without the !default flags for the changes to take effect.

This means instead of simply defining $blue: #000000; in the custom.scss file, one would have to list all related variables like:

$blue: #000000;
$brand-primary: $blue;
$btn-primary-bg: $brand-primary;

Is there something I'm overlooking here? Shouldn't setting the custom color once automatically update all linked variables? This current process seems quite inefficient to me.

Answer №1

[click here for more information][1]The variables are defined correctly, but the issue may lie in how you are using them in your HTML. Take a look at the example below, which shows how to use the variables as you have defined them. I recommend removing the "$blue" variable and setting the color directly for the "$brand-primary" variable!


Answer №2

$shades: (
   $dark-blue: #000000 ;

Utilizing mixins can simplify the process significantly

@mixin shade-modifiers($property) {
  @each $name, $hex in $shades {
    &-#{$name} {
      #{$property}: $hex !important;

.text {
  @include shade-modifiers(color);

.bg {
  @include shade-modifiers(background-color);

Afterwards, simply include the class .text-dark-blue or .bg-dark-blue

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