Displaying the information from a nested array of objects in an HTML table through iteration

In the code snippet below, there is an input with a nested array of objects.

The main array of objects is called summary and within it, there's a nested array called run_type.

let input = {
      "summary": [
              "name": "Release",
              "run_type": [
                  "environment": "6nc",
                  "type": "QA1"
                  "environment": "3nc",
                  "type": "QA2"

A table needs to be displayed as shown below. The Name field should have a rowspan of 2 due to having 2 run_type values for each summary.

   Name    | Environment | RunType |
  Release  |     6nc     |  QA1    |
           |     3nc     |  QA2    |

To display this table statically, it can be achieved like this:

    <td rowspan="2">Release</td>

I am trying to dynamically generate this table using the following approach but facing issues in getting all columns beneath the same Name section:

     {input?.summary?.map((project, indx) => {
       return (
           <td rowspan="2">{project?.name}</td>
             {project?.run_type?.map((runType, indx) => {
                return (

Answer №1

The issue stems from the utilization of a single <tr> element to loop through both the run_type environments and types, resulting in an inaccurate table structure rendering.

To resolve this problem, consider making the following adjustments to your code:

    {input?.summary?.map((project, projectIndex) => (
        {project?.run_type?.map((runType, runTypeIndex) => (
          <tr key={`${projectIndex}-${runTypeIndex}`}>
            {runTypeIndex === 0 ? (
              <td rowspan={project.run_type.length}>{project.name}</td>
            ) : null}

Answer №2

To ensure each run_type has its own <tr>, the inner loop should be responsible for generating the rows, not the outer loop. To create a <td> with rowspan only for the first row of the project, you can use a conditional statement with indx==0:

input.summary?.map((project) =>
    project.run_type?.map((runType, indx, {length}) =>
           {indx == 0 ? <td rowspan={length}>{project.name}</td> : ''}

Answer №3

To start, I will convert the data into a matrix containing text and row-span details.

Using this matrix, I can easily generate the content for the <tbody>.

let inputData = {
  "summary": [{
    "name": "Release",
    "run_type": [{
      "environment": "6nc",
      "type": "QA1"
    }, {
      "environment": "3nc",
      "type": "QA2"

const tableData = inputData.summary.flatMap(({ name, run_type }) => {
  return run_type.map(({ environment, type }, index) => {
    const rowValues = [];
    if (index === 0) {
      rowValues.push({ text: name, rowSpan: run_type.length });
    rowValues.push({ text: environment });
    rowValues.push({ text: type });
    return rowValues;

document.querySelector('.data tbody').insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
  ${tableData.map(row =>
    `<tr>${row.map(col =>
      `<td rowSpan=${col.rowSpan ?? 1}>${col.text}</td>`)
table.data {
  border-collapse: collapse;

table.data, .data th, .data td {
  border: thin solid grey;

.data th, .data td {
  padding: 0.5rem;

.data th {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
<table class="data">

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