Displaying a variety of inline images with text floating beside each one

I have multiple images placed in divs adjacent to each other as shown below:

<div id='images'>
    <div class="iphoneimage">
        <img src="img1.jpg" height="300">
        <h5 class="size">1363 x 2048</h5>

    <div class="iphoneimage">
        <img src="img1.jpg" height="300">
        <h5 class="size">1363 x 2048</h5>

These elements are styled using the following CSS:

.iphoneimage {
    overflow: auto;
    width: 169px;
    float: left;
img {
    position: relative;
h5.size { 
    position: absolute; 
    top: 200px; 
    left: 20px; 
    width: 100%; 

I am attempting to display text on top of each image, but currently only one set of text is appearing over the first image.

Answer №1

To enhance the layout, consider incorporating position:relative into the .iphoneimage div.

.iphoneimage {
    overflow: auto;
    width: 169px;
    float: left;


Answer №2

.iphoneimage {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 200px;
    float: right;
img {
    position: absolute;
h5.size { 
    position: relative; 
    top: 100px; 
    left: 10px; 
    width: 90%; 

<div id='gallery'>
    <div class="iphoneimage">
        <img src="photo1.jpg" height="250">
        <h5 class="size">1200 x 1600</h5>

    <div class="iphoneimage">
        <img src="photo2.jpg" height="250">
        <h5 class="size">1024 x 768</h5>

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