Displaying a carousel of cards with a stacking effect using CSS and React

https://i.sstatic.net/254kG.jpgI am looking to design a layout similar to the image provided, where cards are stacked on top of each other with three dots for toggling. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this visual effect?

Answer №1

It appears that your question lacks specificity, potentially giving the impression that you seek others to complete your tasks for you, leading to receiving downvotes. However, if you are seeking guidance on how to tackle such a task, one potential approach could be as follows:

  • Create individual components for each card with unique IDs,
  • In the state of your container component, store (1) a list of all the IDs and (2) the currently active ID
  • Associate each dot with its corresponding card ID to enable functionality like onClick events and styling
  • Show the card with the active ID, implement onClick events for the dots (potentially swipe events for mobile devices), allowing users to switch between cards
  • To achieve the visual effect of stacked cards, utilize CSS or a combination of CSS and JavaScript for animating the card transitions

Remember, this is just one possible method among several. Whether you opt for this approach or explore other options, the actual execution will ultimately be in your hands.

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