Display varying amounts of pictures in varying resolutions

On my website, I want to display a row of 5 images that are resized using media queries to fit the screen. The challenge is that on smaller screens like an iPhone 5S, I only want to show 3 images instead of 5. On larger screens like iPad or other devices, all 5 images should be shown. How can I achieve this without creating a separate mobile site? Should I use JavaScript to determine screen size and send that information to my server to decide how many images to retrieve from the database, or is there a better way?

In addition to the visual aspect, these images need to be updated every X seconds, requiring me to fetch a different number of images from the database based on the screen size.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To determine the size of the window, you can utilize JQuery as shown below:


If you prefer not to use JQuery, you can achieve the same with plain JavaScript:


You can then send these dimensions to your server to determine which images to load.

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