Display the children of a node and conceal the parent node when the parent node is clicked

I'm currently working on creating a unique feature that is reminiscent of a jQuery tree. Instead of allowing nodes to expand and collapse under their parent, I want the div to only display the children without showing the parent at the same time. The idea is to have a button that allows users to navigate back to displaying the parent node only.

For example:

Imagine there's a parent node in a div,

when you click on the "parent" node, the div will refresh to display only its child nodes (hiding or removing the parent node) with a button to return to the previous parent node display.

I've already serialized the hierarchy from a JSON file and cached it at the front end. I tried using the following code snippets:



.parent {
visibility: hidden;

But so far, I haven't been able to achieve the desired result.

Does anyone have any hints? I'm particularly unsure if there's an open-source library out there that can help with this specific functionality (as it differs from a standard jQuery tree). I'm not even sure what keywords to search for in relation to this type of structure.

Any hints or keywords would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

As Marc B pointed out, attempting to hide the parent element while showing its children is not straightforward. An alternative approach is to include a toggle element within the parent element itself. Here is a basic implementation:

$('.parent-toggle').click(function () {

You can view a live demo here. Please keep in mind that using visibility: hidden will not fully remove the space occupied by the parent element. In this example, I have utilized display: none for complete concealment, but feel free to adjust according to your needs.

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