Display sub navigation when clicked in WordPress

I currently have the default wordpress menu setup to display sub navigation links on hover, but I am interested in changing it so that the sub navigation only appears when the user clicks on the parent link. You can view my menu here https://jsfiddle.net/foley13/83sk1p1x/

Despite having some javascript code in place to achieve this functionality, it is not working as expected.

   //Hide all the sub menus

      //Locate the child ul and toggle sliding

I suspect that CSS may be interfering with the implementation of this feature, however, I simply want to eliminate the hover effect and solely rely on click events.

Answer №1

If you're encountering issues with li:has(ul), simply assign the "dropdown" class to those specific li elements that contain dropdowns. Problem solved! ;)

Answer №2

After experimenting with different versions of the code, I finally found a solution that works for me. To implement this solution, jQuery needs to be enabled in jsFiddle first.

Visit this link to view the working code on jsFiddle

   //Hide all the sub menus


      //Find the child ul and slideToggle

For implementing this code in WordPress (which has conflicts with jquery's $), you will need to adjust the function like so:

(function($){ ...
  // Adjusted code here

Answer №3

Give this a try!



Don't forget to update the css by replacing :hover with .hover View live demo here

Answer №4

Thank you for your assistance, I was able to address my problem by retaining my original script:

   //Hiding all sub-menus

      //Finding the child ul and toggling slide

However, I removed the left: -999em; from both .sub-menu and .sub-menu ul, which resolved the hover issue.

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