Display or conceal rendering in Rails upon clicking a button

I'm attempting to accomplish a seemingly simple task that is proving quite challenging. My goal is to conceal a render or partial in a specific view within my Rails application. Despite my efforts to find a solution, I have not come across any working examples.

Below is the snippet of code I am working with:

<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>

In the last line, there's a render tag (<%= render "baptism_items/form" %>) that I would like to show/hide when clicking on a link or button. Can someone provide assistance on achieving this functionality?

Answer №1

To conceal your render, simply enclose it within a div element.

<h2>Enter Game:</h2>
<div id="mydivtohide">
  <%= render "game_items/form" %>

By doing this, you can easily hide the div without affecting its contents.

Answer №2

It is important to consider whether a partial view is truly necessary in your application. To ensure that the partial does not render in the DOM at all, rather than just being hidden with JavaScript, you can define a variable in your controller like this:

render_partial? = false

Then, in your view, you can include the partial like this:

<%= render "baptism_items/form" if render_partial? %>

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