Display only the spans that contain text or are not empty

I need a solution to hide only those spans that are empty.

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <div class="showcase-caption" style="display: block; "> <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_0">This one has caption</span>

    <div class="showcase-caption" style="display: block;">  <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_1"></span>

    <div class="showcase-caption" style="display: block;">  <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_2">Another caption here</span>

    <div class="showcase-caption" style="display: block;">  <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_3"></span>


Link to the code example

Answer №1

If you tweak your JavaScript code (in the provided fiddle) slightly, you can eliminate or conceal the container of the empty element:

$(".img-wrapper span:empty").each( function () {
    $(this).parent().hide(); // alternatively, use .remove() to remove

Answer №2

Utilize the :empty pseudo class selector to target specific elements:

div:empty {
    display: none; /* or visibility: hidden */

Answer №3

This code snippet can be implemented to hide elements if they are empty:

$(".img-wrapper .showcase-caption span").each(function(){
      if ($(this).is(':empty')) 

I tried it out on http://fiddle.jshell.net/0mzpLrt3/ and it worked perfectly.

Answer №4

Interactive Example

Below is the HTML code:

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <div class="showcase-caption" > <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_0">This content has a caption</span>

    <div class="showcase-caption">  <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_1"></span>

    <div class="showcase-caption">  <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_2">This content has a caption and should be shown</span>

    <div class="showcase-caption" > <span id="MainContent_ImageCaption_3"></span>


The JS code to hide elements with empty spans within the .img-wrapper:

$(".img-wrapper span:empty").each( function () {

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