Display issue on Safari when using flexbox?

I'm currently experiencing an issue with uploading a webpage to my domain, specifically on Safari. I have applied all the necessary prefixes, but it seems that the error lies with the display: flex property.

When viewed on Chrome, the page looks like how it should:

However, when viewed on Safari: Here is the CSS code snippet:


The homepage contains several instances of flex usage, but some items are not centered or spaced correctly in the navigation section!

You can visit my website at

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I am unable to test my solution on your updated website since the original post was made (I must say, your website is impressive!). Nevertheless, consider rearranging those statements for better results.

When I reordered the properties as shown in your code, it caused issues with one of my existing pages in Safari. However, everything worked smoothly when they were ordered like this:


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