Display a placeholder if image source is not working or missing

Looking to display a logo in next.js, my plan is to show a span if the logo is not available and hide it if it is.

<div className='brand'>
  <Link href="#">
    <img src="#" alt="UnSet" />

I managed to hide the image using the CSS rule below. Now I want to display the span content when the image is empty, and show the image when it's not empty.

.brand a img[src]{
  display: none;

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

To achieve this, you can utilize CSS alongside a basic JavaScript function.

Begin by setting up the CSS with a sibling selector:

.logo span {
  display: none;
.logo img.hidden {
  display: none;
.logo img.hidden + span {
  display: block;

Next, apply this script to the image elements.

let logos = document.querySelectorAll(".logo img");
for (logo of logos) {
  logo.onerror = () => {
    this.onerror = null;

Answer №2

To incorporate images in your Next.js project, you need to import Image from 'next/image'.

Check out the official documentation for more information

After that, make sure to implement the following code:

<div className='logo'>
   <Link href="#">
      <Image src="#" alt="Placeholder" unsized />

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