Currently, I am using Cloud 9 to develop a website. However, I have hit a roadblock when it comes to displaying and hiding my form. The issue lies with a fixed sidebar that includes a "Contact" button. Once this button is clicked, it should toggle the visibility of div #page-wrapper which acts as a pop-up window in the center of the screen for user interaction. Unfortunately, the contact form is linked to a PHP script that isn't functioning correctly.
I have experimented with various solutions, but I am now feeling quite lost and unsure of how to proceed.
Here is where you can find a snippet of the code I am working on:
$( "#contactBtn" ).click(function() {
$("#page-wrapper").hide( "slow", function() {
If you wish to take a look at the current state of my site, you can visit this link. Keep in mind that my site is still very much a work in progress.