Dispense CSS using a React element

My React component index.js contains styling in style.css.

I am looking to share this component on npm, but I am unsure of how to simplify the process for other developers to use the styling.

After exploring different options, I have come across three approaches:

  • Utilize require('./style.css') and assume users will have a bundling solution (e.g. webpack, rollup). However, I am hesitant about this method as it restricts users to a specific approach to utilize my component.
  • Instruct users to import the style with
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/package/style.css" />
    . Yet, I am not fond of this solution because it requires users to modify their HTML instead of simply including the React component where they desire.
  • Embed the CSS within the component itself using a plugin like react-jss. Unfortunately, this is not suitable for me as my component's styling involves numerous SCSS files.

None of these solutions align with my requirements and make it cumbersome for others to utilize my component. How can I distribute the component in a user-friendly manner?

Answer №1

Allow users the flexibility to choose how they want to include the file in their app. One suggestion is to update your README.md with the following:

Remember to include the CSS file!

If you are using ES6 with a module bundler like Webpack:

import 'package/dist/style.css';

Alternatively, for plain HTML:

   <link href="node_modules/package/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

You can also customize the style as needed.

This approach is commonly used by many packages, such as:

Answer №2

Expanding on GG's response, a more advanced approach would involve integrating a Javascript version of the CSS file.

Since including the CSS file like this:

import 'package/dist/style.css';

requires users to have Webpack set up to load CSS files, which may not always be the case. Personally, I tend to use CSS-in-JS tools for my styling instead.

Instead, you can wrap the CSS file within a JS module like this:


var insertCss = require('insert-css'); // https://github.com/substack/insert-css
// inline all style.css styles here
insertCss(".YourComponent { color: blue }");

This way, users can simply import the JS module like this:

import 'package/dist/style';

and it will function consistently with any module loader (Webpack, Browserify, Rollup...) regardless of their setup configurations.

Answer №3

My recommendation would be to add the css file to npm and provide detailed documentation on various options available.

  • For individuals who prefer using css directly, they can simply replicate the stylesheet.
  • Alternatively, for those who favor build tools, they can utilize the require method.

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