Discrepancy between keydown event and button click functionality

Whenever I click the search button, the sendTitle() function executes flawlessly. However, when I press the enter key (keyCode == 13), the sendTitle() function consistently throws a catch error response (alert cannot connect). I am curious if anyone understands why it fails to work when I hit enter on the form input field. You can find my code in a jsFiddle here. Thank you!


        var sendTitle = function() {
            // Function logic here

        body {
          font: 400 15px Lato, sans-serif;
          /* More styles here */

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
                <!-- Head Content Here -->
                <!-- Body Content Here -->

Answer №1

For a quick solution:

Remember to use e.preventDefault() instead of just e.preventDefault

Also, ensure that it is placed within an if statement like the following:

if (e.keyCode == 13) {

Live Demonstration

var sendTitle = function() {
  var title = $("input[name='movie-search-title']").val();
$("input[name='movie-search-title']").keydown(function(e) {
  if (e.keyCode == 13) {
// Movie Search 
var getMovie = function(title) {
  // Code for fetching movie details
var getQuotes = function(title) {
  // Code for fetching quotes related to the movie

// Additional functions for displaying movie and quotes data

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