Discovering the window.scrollTop, ScrollY, or any other distance value while utilizing CSS scroll snap can be achieved by following these

I am currently utilizing css scroll snap for smooth scrolling through sections that are 100vh in height. The functionality of the scroll snap is quite impressive.

However, I need to find a way to determine the exact distance the user has scrolled down the page for various purposes.

I have attempted different methods such as:

let wrapper = document.getElementById('landing-page-wrapper');

In addition, I also experimented with window.scrollTop, wrapper.scrollTop, and other options but haven't found a satisfactory solution.

You can view a demonstration of what I am encountering on Codepen

If you have any insights or suggestions on how to track the scroll distance while using 100vh sections and css scroll-snap, please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

After analyzing the code you provided, it appears that the reason why window.onscroll is not functioning as intended is because neither window nor document.body are experiencing vertical overflow. The scroll event will only be triggered by the element that is overflowing, which in this case happens to be the element targeted by the .box-wrapper selector.

As a result, listening for the scroll event on that specific element will allow you to access its vertical scroll position using event.currentTarget.scrollTop:

document.querySelector(".box-wrapper").addEventListener("scroll", (e) => {

Take a look at the proof-of-concept example below:

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