Discovering the perfect CSS unit for this specific number

I have an input field of type text

<input type="text">

Currently, I am utilizing JavaScript's ClientRect to retrieve caret details. The ClientRect object structure is as follows:

[object ClientRect]
     [functions]: ,
     __proto__: { },
     bottom: 540.7999877929687,
     constructor: { },
     height: 24,
     left: 1034.5399169921875,
     right: 1034.5399169921875,
     top: 516.7999877929687,
     width: 0

This data is generated with every user input.

left: 1034.5399169921875,
left: 1065.5399169921875,
left: 1078.5399169921875,

My goal is to convert these numbers into CSS units such as px/%/rem/vh, enabling me to apply dynamic styles. How can this conversion be achieved?

Answer №1

To determine the approximate width of text in an input field, you can calculate the difference between the left position of the input element and the caret position. Make sure to assign an id or create a selector for your input field.

var inputElementRect = document.getElementById('YOURINPUTID').getBoundingClientRect()
var width = inputElementRect.left - caretRect.left

Answer №2

To make use of those default values, simply attach the suffix px to the value and utilize it.

<input type="text">

In order to retrieve that value:

let text = document.querySelector('input');
let values = text.getBoundingClientRect();

let top_value = + 'px';
let bottom_value = values.bottom + 'px';
let width_value = values.width + 'px';
let height_value = values.height + 'px';

console.log('top: '+ top_value);
console.log('bottom: '+ bottom_value);
console.log('width: '+ width_value);
console.log('height: '+ height_value);

The properties other than width and height are relative to the view port (top, bottom, left, right),

therefore, if there is a scroll, these values will change. To obtain accurate values when scrolling, add these values with window.scrollX, window.scrollY, or you can utilize

window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset

Answer №3

It seems like you have the cursor position values inside the input and you're looking to convert them into different CSS units to make adjustments to the input or related elements.

Keep in mind that ClientRect positions are relative to the viewport. So, if you want to determine the width of text, you should compare it to the input's "left" value from getBoundingClientRects. Taking into consideration scrolling is also important if you care about both top and left positions. If your window/page is the main scrolling container, simply adding window.scrollY to top and window.scrollX to left can help you understand your offset relative to the window.

By default, all these units are in pixels. To convert to rem, remember that 1 rem equals the font-size of your root element. Here's a simple way to convert to rem:

var remBase = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('font-size'), 10);
var remValue = (myComputedPixelValue / remBase) + "rem";

Similar to the above, converting to VW involves determining browser window dimensions using JavaScript for cross-browser compatibility. You could use this snippet:

var viewportWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
var vwValue = (myComputedPixelValue / viewportWidth) + "vw";

Percentages may be more complex as they depend on the parent element's dimensions, but the general idea remains the same.

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