Discovering if a div element has children using Selenium IDE

As I begin to automate testing for our website with Selenium IDE, I must admit that I am still learning the ins and outs of it.

We utilize highcharts to exhibit data on our site. The challenge arises from the fact that there are 3 div elements handling the charts, each with a different id. This fluctuation in ids complicates the process of locating specific elements.

To keep things concise, I will focus on the crucial part of this issue: the div objects in the HTML structure showcasing the charts.

Here is a snippet of how these div objects appear in the HTML source:

<div id="numRecs" data-highcharts-chart="3">
   <div class="highcharts-container" id="highcharts-6">

<div id="activeStream" data-highcharts-chart="1">
   <div class="highcharts-container" id="highcharts-2">

<div id="delay" data-highcharts-chart="2">
   <div class="highcharts-container" id="highcharts-4">

The identifier "highcharts-4", which is associated with the (div class=highcharts-container), changes periodically, making it challenging to target the element consistently. Although the (data-highcharts-chart=2) value also varies, its impact on locating the div id=delay is minimal.

Despite attempting to identify the object by right-clicking on it within the browser, I received an error indicating "css=svg > rect". How can I instruct Selenium IDE to verify if the parent div (div id=delay) contains children? My hope is that determining the presence of child elements will offer a solution to this predicament. Thank you for your assistance in advance.

Answer №1

To determine if a specific element is present on the webpage, you can utilize the verifyElementPresent command. For example, to check if a parent div (identified by id='delay') contains child divs, you can target it using //div[@id='delay']/div

For more information on this topic, refer to the Selenium IDE documentation:

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