Discover a personalized message and alter its hue using JavaScript and CSS styling

I've hit a roadblock while creating my website with WordPress and a custom theme. Although I can easily inject custom Js or CSS, I need advice on how to achieve the following:

How can I locate the symbol within the content and change its color?

For more information on this symbol, visit this link.

Answer №1

let starList = document.evaluate("//li[contains(., '★')]", document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
let starItem = starList.iterateNext();
starItem.setAttribute('style', 'color: #f1c40f');

Understood! I'll keep the tags below for reference if anyone is looking for this solution

styling, unicode, color, scripting, locate

Answer №2

If you're looking for matches, one way is to loop through the entire DOM and search for them.

let allElements = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    for (let Element of allElements) {
        for (let childNode of Element.childNodes) {
            if (childNode.nodeType === 3) {
                let valueUpper = childNode.nodeValue.toUpperCase()
                if (valueUpper.includes(text)) {

This code snippet drew inspiration from:

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