Discover a helpful tip for using Pentadactyl with StackExchange's voting buttons

Does anyone know how to enable hinting for voting arrows on StackExchange using Pentadactyl (a fork of Vimperator)?

I've tried removing my .pentadactylrc file and restarting Firefox, but still can't figure out how to upvote questions and answers. I never had this issue with Vimperator on StackOverflow, so I assumed Pentadactyl would have similar features.

If you're familiar with the currently mapped keys in Vim, maybe you could help me identify what's missing in Pentadactyl.

Could it be related to the 'ht' setting in the hinttags? I found some clues on a page about Pentadactyl settings here.

Unfortunately, CSS selectors and XPath expressions aren't my forte. Can someone provide insight into creating a CSS selector for a StackOverflow voting button or suggest an alternative solution?

Answer №1

To implement this solution, execute the given command.

:set hinttags+=a[class]

To ensure its permanence, add the specified line to your pentadactylrc file.

The CSS selector a[class] follows the format of tag[attribute="value"], targeting all anchor tags with the class attribute on the current page.

Upon inspecting the page source, you will note that the voting arrows are coded as:

<a class="vote-up-off" title="This answer is useful">up vote</a>

If your aim is to specifically target the voting arrows and star on StackExchange pages, use the following command:

:set hinttags+=a[class^="vote"],a[class^="star"]

This command utilizes regular expressions to match anchor tags with class attributes starting with 'vote' and 'star'.

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