Disappearing Data in Chart.js When Window is Resized

I am utilizing the Chart.js library to present a line chart in a div that is enclosed within a <tr>.

<tr class="item">...</tr>
<tr class="item-details">
    <div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-12 chart-pane">
        <div class="chart-container">
            <div><canvas id="future-chart"></canvas></div>

Upon the page load, the content of the item-details <tr> remains hidden. Clicking on the preceding item <tr> will reveal it and trigger a function to draw the chart within the canvas. The function is detailed below:

$(document).on('click', '.item', function(){
    var itemDetails = $(this).closest('tr').next('tr');
    var canvas = itemDetails.find('#future-chart').get(0);

    if (canvas) {
        // setting data here
        var data = { 
        var options = {
            responsive: true,
            maintainAspectRatio: true
        var futureChart = new Chart(context).Line(data,options);

The issue arises when I toggle the visibility of the content in <tr> from visible to hidden at a screen width larger than 767px, then resize the window to less than 767px and open the <tr> again - the chart disappears.

This particular scenario causes the chart to vanish. However, if I reverse the sequence described above, the chart remains unaffected. Similarly, leaving the <tr> open and resizing the window does not impact the display of the chart.

Despite having the Responsive option set to True where the chart should resize appropriately when the <tr> is displayed, I am considering incorporating a re-draw function for the canvas upon window resize. Yet, since the entire chart should be redrawn whenever the <tr> is opened, I am uncertain of the root cause behind this issue.

Answer №1

I encountered an issue where the graph would disappear when resizing the window. To solve this problem, I made sure to only create the graph once using the new command

this.myChart = new Chart(this.ctx, {
      type: 'line', .....

Instead of recreating the chart each time, I simply update it by calling update(). This ensures that the chart stays in memory. For example, to update the datasets:

this.myChart.data.datasets = datasetsTmp;

I hope this solution proves helpful.

Answer №2

Retrieve the information within a specified date range whenever the user adjusts the graph size

Visit coinmarketcap.com for more details

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