Difficulty encountered in connecting CSS stylesheet to HTML document

I am facing an issue with linking my CSS style sheet to my HTML file. I have double-checked the formatting and when I open the HTML file in Finder, it displays correctly. However, when I run my web application locally, the styling does not apply. I am using Sublime for editing.

Here is a snippet from my index.html file and styles.css:


    <title>Attack On Purdue Login</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
    <div id="init_div">
        <h1>ATTACK ON PURDUE</h1>
            <p style="display: inline">Username:  </p>
            <input type="username">
            <p style="display: inline">Password:  </p>
            <input type="password">

        <button onclick="login()">Login</button>


#init_div {

Edit: Upon further investigation, I suspect the problem lies in how I run the application. I am using Node to execute my index.js file and Express to render index.html.

Here is a link to it along with my file paths:

Answer №1

Ensure that the path to your CSS file is correctly specified in the href tag. You can include your CSS file like this within the head section of your HTML:

<link href="/styles/example.css" rel="stylesheet">

Answer №2

Don't forget to add the path to your CSS stylesheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="your/path/to/styles.css">

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