Differentiate between minimum and maximum values on ion-range sliders with discrete color options

I am currently working on customizing the theme of my ionic app, specifically trying to assign different colors to the min and max knobs on an ion-range component. At the moment, I am only able to apply a single HTML property called "color" to the selector, which ends up affecting the space between the sliders.

<ion-range class="chartSlider" min="62" max="100" [(ngModel)]="slider"(ionChange)='goSlider()' **color="primary"** dualKnobs="true">

Upon inspecting the console, I noticed that I can target each individual slider as they have separate div classes: ".range-knob-handle" and ".range-knob-handle range-knob-max". However, when I try to change properties using these classes in the console, everything updates in real-time except for the color.

I suspect that this issue may be related to Sass variables since Ionic offers three variations of a single "color" variable for ion-range elements. To test this theory, I modified the variables in the sass variables folder under "themes" to "black", but unfortunately, the change applied to both sliders simultaneously.

$range-ios-knob-background-color:  #000;
$range-md-knob-background-color:  #000;
$range-wp-knob-background-color:  #000;

My question is, how can I ensure that these variables are linked to the respective knob of my choice's specific div tag instead of affecting both at once?

Answer №1

This is more of a CSS selector puzzle than a specific Ionic issue, in my opinion.

To experiment with this concept, consider adding the following code snippet to your component's SCSS file:

.range-knob-handle > .range-knob {
    background-color: #1257c7 !important
.range-knob-handle ~ .range-knob-handle > .range-knob {
    background-color: #e6780b !important

The first section will apply a color to all knobs within your application. The second portion utilizes CSS selectors to target the knob that follows the preceding knob sibling.

Give it a try! To prevent potential conflicts, be sure to make these CSS selectors unique to a specific component.

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