Differentiate among comparable values through placement regex

I'm currently tackling a challenge involving regex as I work on breaking down shorthand CSS code for the font property. Here is my progress thus far:

var style = decl.val.match(/\s*(?:\s*(normal|italic|oblique)){1}/i); style = style ? style[1] : "";
var variant = decl.val.match(/\s*(?:\s*(normal|small-caps))/i); variant = variant ? variant[1] : "";
var weight = decl.val.match(/\s*((?:\s*(?:normal|bold|bolder|lighter|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px))){1})/i); weight = weight ? weight[1] : "";
var size = decl.val.match(/\/\s*((?:\s*(?:xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large|larger|smaller|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px))){1,2})/i); size = size ? size[1] : "";
var height = decl.val.match(/\s*(?:\s*(normal|inherit|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px))){1}/i); height = height ? height[1] : "";
var family = decl.val.match(/\s*(?:\s*([a-zA-Z\-\,\'\"\s]+))(?:,|;)/i); family = family ? family[1] : "";
var values = decl.val.match(/\s*(?:\s*(caption|icon|menu|message-box|small-caption|status-bar)){1}/i); values = values ? values[1] : "";

While everything is running smoothly, there's an issue when using this specific string:

font: normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy, sans-serif;

This results in style, variant, weight, and height all being set to "normal":

style --> "normal"
variant --> "normal"
weight --> "normal"
height --> "normal"

The problem lies with the regex matching the first instance without verifying if another value should be taken instead. The desired outcome should look like this:

style --> "normal"
variant --> "small-caps"
weight --> "120%"
height --> 

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

There seems to be a minor issue with the forward slash placement between weight and sizes. To resolve this, consider combining into one regex pattern where everything except anchors is optional. This will help align things properly to avoid 'normal' appearing on most variables.

Edit I came across a reference that details how CSS Font Shorthand Property parsing works: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_font.asp

edit2 The hard spaces delimiters have been adjusted to come after the optional parts and between the required parts.

 #  /(?:(?:(normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit)\s+)?(?:(normal|small-caps|initial|inherit)\s+)?(?:((?:normal|bold|bolder|lighter|initial|inherit|\d+))\s+)?(?:(smaller|small|x-small|xx-small|medium|larger|large|x-large|xx-large|initial|inherit|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px))(?:\/(normal|initial|inherit|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px)))?\s+)(?:(initial|inherit|(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[a-zA-Z-]+)(?:\s*,\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[a-zA-Z-]+))*))|(caption|icon|menu|message-box|small-caption|status-bar|initial|inherit))/

 ####  CSS - Font Shorthand Property  
 ####  Reference:  http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_font_font.asp    
 #### --------------------------------
 #### font:     

      #### User Defined Fonts
      #### ------------------

      ##### Style (optional)
           (                        # (1 start), Style
             |  italic
             |  oblique
             |  initial
             |  inherit 
           )                        # (1 end)
           \s+   # delimiter

      ##### Variant (optional)
           (                        # (2 start), Variant
             |  small-caps
             |  initial
             |  inherit 
           )                        # (2 end)
           \s+   # delimiter

      ##### Weight (optional)
           (                        # (3 start), Weight
                  |  bold
                  |  bolder
                  |  lighter
                  |  initial
                  |  inherit 
                  |  \d+ 
           )                        # (3 end)
           \s+   # delimiter

      ##### Size (required)
           (                        # (4 start), Size
             |  small
             |  x-small
             |  xx-small
             |  medium
             |  larger
             |  large
             |  x-large
             |  xx-large
             |  initial
             |  inherit
             |  \d+ 
                (?: \% | in | cm | mm | em | rem | ex | pt | pc | px )
           )                        # (4 end)

           #####  Line Height (optional)
                /                   # Separator
                (                   # (5 start), Line height
                  |  initial
                  |  inherit
                  |  \d+ 
                     (?: \% | in | cm | mm | em | rem | ex | pt | pc | px )
                )                   # (5 end)


           \s+   # delimiter 

      ##### Family (required)
           (                        # (6 start), Family
             |  inherit
             |  (?: " [^"]* " | ' [^']* ' | [a-zA-Z-]+ )
                     \s* , \s* 
                     (?: " [^"]* " | ' [^']* ' | [a-zA-Z-]+ )
           )                        # (6 end)


      #### OR, 
      #### Use the Fonts used by these OS elements
      #### ------------------

      #### Values (required, if used)
      (                             # (7 start), Use values
        |  icon
        |  menu
        |  message-box
        |  small-caption
        |  status-bar
        |  initial
        |  inherit
      )                             # (7 end)

Perl Test case

$str = 'font:normal small-caps 120%/120% "Times New Roman", sans-serif;';

if ( $str =~ /(?:(?:(normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit)\s+)?(?:(normal|small-caps|initial|inherit)\s+)?(?:((?:normal|bold|bolder|lighter|initial|inherit|\d+))\s+)?(?:(smaller|small|x-small|xx-small|medium|larger|large|x-large|xx-large|initial|inherit|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px))(?:\/(normal|initial|inherit|\d+(?:\%|in|cm|mm|em|rem|ex|pt|pc|px)))?\s+)(?:(initial|inherit|(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[a-zA-Z-]+)(?:\s*,\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[a-zA-Z-]+))*))|(caption|icon|menu|message-box|small-caption|status-bar|initial|inherit))/)
    print "\nmatched  '$&'\n\n";
    print "style   = '$1'\n";
    print "variant = '$2'\n";
    print "weight  = '$3'\n";
    print "size    = '$4'\n";
    print "height  = '$5'\n";
    print "family  = '$6'\n";
    print "values  = '$7'\n";

Output >>

matched  'normal small-caps 120%/120% "Times New Roman", sans-serif'

style   = 'normal'
variant = 'small-caps'
weight  = ''
size    = '120%'
height  = '120%'
family  = '"Times New Roman", sans-serif'
values  = ''

Answer №2

Here is a method you can use to manipulate attributes in a string:

Start by identifying one attribute and then removing it from the original string. Proceed to search for the next attribute in the updated string.

Below is an illustration focusing on the primary attribute within the string:

var str = decl.val;

function removeFromString(str, result) {
    return str.slice(0, result.index) + str.slice(result.index + result[0].length);

var style = str.match(/\s*(?:\s*(normal|italic|oblique)){1}/i); 
if(style) {
    str = removeFromString(str, style);
style = style ? style[1] : "";

To visualize this process, I have created a JSFiddle.

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