Exploring the world of CSS selectors can be quite fascinating.
These selectors allow you to target different elements within your HTML structure.
An Example of Selectors in Action
.button span {
A common usage of selectors is illustrated through "descendants".
The code .button span
essentially means HTML with a class of "button" and containing a nested span
This would result in:
.button span {
color: red
<button class="button">
Button Text
<button class="button">
Some text
<br />
<span>I'm Red</span>
Some text
<span>I'm not Red</span>
Another Example
The selector .button span:after
, combines descendant selection with the use of "&".
It includes the pseudo-element :after
at the end of the span
Pseudo-elements are denoted by a ":" before them, such as :hover
for mouse events or :before
for other purposes.
.button span:hover {
color: red;
<button class="button">
Button Text
<button class="button">
<span>I'm Red when you hover on me</span>
But I will never be red when you hover
<span>I'm not Red when you hover</span>
<div class="button">
<span>I will be red when you hover on me</span>
Delving into CSS selectors can be complex but rewarding!
For more insights, explore resources like MDN Documentation or W3Schools, which offer interactive examples for hands-on learning.