Different Line Thickness in Dropdown Menu

Is there a way to adjust line heights in CSS within a drop down menu? I have attempted to change the font sizes of each element, but the new font size does not seem to take effect once an option is selected. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

        <option class="w1">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
        <option class="w2">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>

option.w1  {
  font-size: 5px;
option.w2  {


Answer №1

Regrettably, CSS does not provide a direct way to target an element's parent. In this scenario, the parent element is the select and its child is the selected option.

If you want to style the select based on the selected option, you'll have to turn to JavaScript:

var select = document.querySelector("select");

select.addEventListener("change", function() {
    var selected = document.querySelector("option:checked");
    var selectedFontSize = getComputedStyle(selected, null).getPropertyValue("font-size");
    select.style.fontSize = selectedFontSize;
/* CSS styles for different options */
option.w1  {
  font-size: 5px;
  background-repeat: repeat;
  display: inline-block;
  position: static;


option.w2  {
  background-repeat: repeat;
  display: inline-block;
  position: static;
/* Additional option styling goes here */

<div class="row add-top-margin">
  <div class="col-xs-3 section-label">Width</div>
    <option class="w1">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
    <option class="w2">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
    <option class="w3">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
    <option class="w4">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
    <option class="w5">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>
    <option class="w6">&#9472&#9472&#9472&#9472</option>

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