Differences Between IPad Retina and Standard Resolutions

As I gear up to create a full-screen game for iPad, I am faced with the varying resolutions of different iPad models. The latest iPad boasts a retina display with a resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels, while the older version has a resolution of 1024x768 pixels.

My dilemma lies in deciding whether to set the width of my container div to 2048 pixels and then utilize media queries to adjust dimensions and positions of various HTML elements based on window width. Given that I will be heavily reliant on absolute positioning, I am uncertain about how this will translate between the old and new iPads.

Will the retina display still report 1024 pixels in media queries? That's one question plaguing my mind.

In addition, should I prepare two sets of images - one for the retina display and another with half the size for the older iPad display?

This situation has left me slightly perplexed. Your guidance in clarifying these doubts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

The ideal setting is 1024, followed by customization for high pixel density screens using device pixel ratio media queries.

For further information, visit:

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