If you think this answer is incorrect, feel free to downvote. I wanted to leave it as a comment, but it was too lengthy.
In essence, all the methods are essentially wrappers for WebDriverJS's requests, which are part of a complex chain ultimately wrapped up by ProtractorJS:
- ProtractorJS executes a command of WebDriverJS.
- WebDriverJS sends a GET request to the Selenium server (or Selenium remote control?).
- Selenium manages all communication with the browser, providing specific APIs for each browser to use during communication.
- Selenium requests information from the browser.
- After the browser responds to Selenium, the response is sent back to WebDriverJS as a result of the initial GET request. This response is then transferred to ProtractorJS.
Ultimately, browser behavior plays a crucial role in all of this. Understanding the browser's engine can aid in analyzing aspects like DOM manipulation and viewport rendering.
Upon reviewing the WebdriverIO API documentation, here is a summary highlighting the differences between the three methods:
involves a GET request to Selenium with the URL '/session/:sessionId/element/:id/size'
. It locates the element first, then retrieves its size. This method relies on the viewport and rendering, requiring them to be calculated for accurate results.
corresponds to a GET request to Selenium with the URL '/session/:sessionId/element/:id/attribute/:name'
. It simply accesses the height attribute without necessitating full rendering, as long as the HTML structure is available.
parallels a GET request to Selenium with the URL '/session/:sessionId/element/:id/css/:propertyName'
. Similarly, it locates the element and looks for the corresponding CSS property in the computed style. This method does not rely on viewport rendering as the computed CSS is accessible before rendering occurs.
However, it's crucial to note that Selenium communicates with the browser even when it's not actively rendering.
For instance, if there is a redirect followed by locating an input element, Selenium must wait until the input is available for location. The performance order of the three methods in such scenarios would be:
- Retrieving HTML and CSS resources (attribute available) using
- Computing CSS (computed CSS available) with
- Rendering the viewport (computed size available) with
Continuing the example, once the above steps are completed and everything is rendered, subsequent requests can be made without waiting for DOM manipulation cycles. At this point, browser engine efficiency becomes paramount. The speed at which calculations can be executed will directly impact performance. (The performance order may align with the previous ranking due to how deeply browsers need to search for responses to Selenium queries, but this might be too ambiguous for a definitive conclusion)
P.S. These are my speculations based on research and documentation. Feedback and opinions are always appreciated! 😀