Developing pill-shaped input fields in React Native: A step-by-step guide

I need help creating "dynamic pills" in React Native and Redux, similar to the ones showcased below:

   <div id="container"></div>
    <div class="tim">this codepen is dedicated to
     <a href="">@twholman</a> 

1) Does anyone know the specific name for these dynamic pills so that I can search for tutorials more effectively?

2) I'm currently attempting to convert the CSS with Gulp and manually transfer the JavaScript code to React Native, adjusting the syntax accordingly. However, I'm encountering several errors along the way. Is this the best approach, or is there a simpler method available? Perhaps a tutorial that could guide me through this process?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

  1. Badge is the name of it.
  2. To implement this element, consider using a UI Kit like react-native-elements. Alternatively, you can view the source code on GitHub. Remember to use the 'children' prop when passing in TextInput elements.

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