Developing a downloadable PDF version of an online platform

For weeks now, I have been tirelessly searching for a solution to a problem that has stumped me once before.

The Challenge:

My company created a sophisticated web-based data analytics suite for a major beverage distributor. Our client is now requesting a feature that allows users to print or download a visually appealing version of the app as a PDF file. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a reliable method to accomplish this task. That's why I am turning to the stack community for guidance.

Our Current Technology Stack Includes:

  • Plack servers
  • Perl based on the Dancer framework
  • Standard web development tools: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery/UI
  • Client usage involves IE9/10 and Chrome.

Solutions I've Attempted So Far:

I initially tried using window.print() along with specific classes and a customized print.css file, but the results were less than satisfactory.

I explored pdfmachine and pdfbox options and even reached out to Adobe's acrobat development team directly in hopes of finding a ready-made solution we could purchase. Unfortunately, it seems like such a product would go against their business model of individual subscriptions rather than a single server-side application.

Despite extensively scouring through stack articles, I have yet to come across a solution that meets my requirements.

Currently, I feel completely stuck and hopeful that someone out there might have some insight or a better approach to tackling this issue than I do.

In short, I desperately need a PDF version of our complex reporting app's output.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, stack community. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

In the past, I have implemented a solution that involves using PhantomJS on a server to generate PDFs for download or email. To ensure security of sensitive content, the server would issue a single-use viewing token for authentication, which is then passed to the PhantomJS process. This process loads the URL with the viewing token and saves it as a PDF.

For more information on Phantom's screen capture API, you can visit their GitHub page:

Answer №2

Could you potentially utilize Perl's PDF::API2 or PDF::Create to generate this? With the ability to manipulate pre-existing PDF files (useful for maintaining consistent headers and footers) and add new content as needed. While the learning curve may be steep, simple reports should be achievable.

Don't forget about PDF::TextBlock and PDF::Table - they can offer additional assistance in your PDF creation process.

Answer №3

Looking into this particular tool has been quite an adventure. Attempting to leverage various perl modules has not proved to be the solution I was hoping for.

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