This is a rather intricate request, as you are essentially seeking an entire program instead of just assistance with your current program/code.
To guide you in the right direction, here are a few things you will likely need:
- Input fields for storing the grid's length and width provided by the user.
- Fields to store the user's x and y coordinates.
- An event listener for capturing the user's key inputs. If they use up or down arrows, adjust the user's y position accordingly; same goes for left and right arrows and their x coordinate.
- A mechanism to render the grid. When rendering, mark the grid cell that corresponds to the user's position as 'user'; otherwise, maintain regular rendering.
Here's a quick snippet of semi-pseudocode that could serve as a starting point:
const MyGridNavigator = () => {
const [gridWidth, setGridWidth] = React.useState(4);
const [gridLength, setGridLength] = React.useState(5);
const [userPosition, setUserPosition] = React.useState([0,0]);
const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode == '38') {
// up arrow
setUserPosition([userPosition[0], userposition[1] + 1]);
else if (e.keyCode == '40') {
// down arrow
setUserPosition([userPosition[0], userposition[1] - 1]);
else if (e.keyCode == '37') {
// left arrow
setUserPosition([userposition[0] - 1, userPosition[1]]);
else if (e.keyCode == '39') {
// right arrow
setUserPosition([userposition[0] + 1], userPosition[1]]);
return (
<div onKeyDown={handleKeyDown}>
Array(gridLength).fill().map((y, yIndex) => (
Array(gridWidth).fill().map((x, xIndex) => (
{ xIndex === userPosition[0] && yIndex === userPosition[1] ? 'user' : '' }