Determining the optimal time to utilize the addClass function in jQuery and CSS

One of my HTML elements has the class "article":

<article> Content </article>

In my jQuery script, I want to add specific classes that have been predefined:

$('article').addClass('rounded box-shadow gradient-bright');

I have multiple articles and similar boxes throughout my webpage, so I need to ensure that any changes only need to be made in one place - within the JavaScript.

The question is, how can I use jQuery to achieve the best results? I don't want users to see gradual changes loading on the page (such as initially seeing a regular box, then it becoming rounded with a shadow later... they should see all changes at once).


$(window).ready( /* add class */ ) ...


$(document).ready( /* add class */ ) ...


Perhaps without using the ready function, just /* add class */

Or maybe there is another solution?

Edit Change <div class="article"> to <article> for formality ;) But this is just an example...

Answer №1

Utilizing the document-way is crucial. It ensures that codes are executed as soon as the DOM has finished building.

In addition, waiting for the window to be ready also includes waiting for external sources like images to load.

Answer №2

If you want to customize the look of certain elements, you can start by adding a class to the HTML like this:


Then, you can apply styles to those specific elements using CSS rules similar to:

.customStyles .section {
    /* Your custom styles go here to enhance the appearance of the section */

This will instantly style the designated elements with the necessary styles. To keep things organized, you can then use jQuery's document ready function to reapply the styles:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.section').addClass('rounded shadow gradient');

By doing this, you are effectively reapplying the predefined styles from .customStyles .section. Once done, you can remove the 'customStyles' class from the HTML:

$(document).ready(function () {

Answer №3

To prevent the FOUC (flash of unstyled content), you can read this insightful article by Paul Irish. Following ikanobori's suggestion and implementing Paul's technique, it might be beneficial to remove the js class on window ready if your css depends on background images. This ensures that all resources are fully loaded before applying styles.

Answer №4

To optimize the loading speed, it is recommended to use

$(document).ready( /* implement optimization code */ ) ...
especially when the document size is smaller than the window

Another excellent option is to ensure that styling is served directly from your server

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